Fly Helicopters And Get Your Licence

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Take a lesson under our flight team and learn how to fly our helicopters from the very best!

Get You Flight Licence!

Earn your PPL(H) Private Pilot’s Licence or your LAPL(H) Light Aircraft Pilot’s Licence here at Central Helicopters with our professional teachers.

Central Helicopters Learn to Fly

PPL(H) – Private Pilot’s Licence

Earn Your Private Pilot’s Licence

If you have already experienced a trial lesson and the thrill of piloting a helicopter by yourself, then why not take the next step and obtain your own licence by training for the Private Pilot’s Licence PPL(H) at our Nottingham Heliport. 

This will allow you to fly throughout Britain, and even Europe, if you are adventurous enough. You will be able to hire aircraft from us and other operators and even take your family and friends for flights. There are many airfields throughout the UK and numerous hotels, restaurants and country houses with helicopter landing sites.

Your choice for a weekend away is almost unlimited and what better way to arrive at your destination? Your own licence is also a gateway of learning to fly larger and more advanced helicopters if you wish.

LAPL(H) – Light Aircraft Pilot’s License

Earn Your Light Aircraft Pilot’s Licence

Central Helicopters is authorised to provide pilot training for the Light Aircraft Pilot’s Licence LAPL(H), the requirements of which are not as demanding as the PPL(H).

With a less stringent medical requirement (a “Part-Med”), this licence is valid within the EU for helicopters of less than 2,000 kg maximum take-off weight and carrying no more than three passengers. It is forbidden to earn money with an LAPL(H) – including aerial work and flight instruction.

Central Helicopters Sunset

What You Need To Do To Earn Your Licence

PPL(H) Private Pilot’s Licence

  • The mandatory minimum flight hours for the issue of a PPL(H) is 45 hours flight time, of which 25, must be dual instruction and 10 must be supervised solo instruction.
  • Of these 10 hours solo, five hours must be navigational training including a navigational exercise of at least 100 nautical miles.
  • On completion of all the flight training you will be required to pass a skills test with our CAA approved flight examiner.
  • The 45 hours are split up into 27 different exercises.

LAPL(H) Light Aircraft Pilot’s Licence

  • The mandatory minimum flight hours for the issue of an LAPL(H) is 40, of which 35 hours must be aboard the helicopter the final test is taken in, 20 must be dual-instruction and 10 supervised solo time.
  • Of these 10 solo hours, five must be navigational training, including an exercise of at least 80 nautical miles.
  • On completion of all the flight training, you will be required to pass a skills test with a flight examiner, as well as nine theory exams.

Our Recent Success Stories!

Meet our high-flying recruits who’ve gained helicopter pilot licences

Every year we train dozens of high-flyers, helping them realise their dream of becoming a helicopter pilot. It’s a challenging process, and reaching that goal is an extraordinary achievement. That’s why this page is dedicated to celebrating their feats. Here’s a selection of our helicopter pilot training successes.

Pierre Mills PPL License Central Helicopters

Captain Pierre Mills pictured after acheiving his PPL Licence in the R22

Paul Cocksedge PPL License Central Helicopters

Captain Paul Cocksedge pictured after a succesful flight in the R44

Luke Woodthorpe PPL License Central Helicopters

Captians Luke Woodthorpe celebrating his acquirement of his PPL Licence

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need a medical examination?

A medical certificate is a standard requirement if you are going to fly a helicopter or fixed wing. In order to receive this, you will need to undergo a medical examination.

How Long Do These Certificates Last?

Depending on your age, your aviation medical certificate will be valid for 12 to 60 months.

What type of medical certificates does Central Helicopters provide?

Central Helicopters provides Class 2 Medical Certificates and LAPL Certificates.

How long will the examination take?

The medical examination could take several hours.

What to take to your AME appointment

If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you will need to bring your most recent optician’s report.You will be asked to provide a sample of urine, so ideally you should arrive at the examination with a full bladder. Our AME will be able to help you with any additional individual preparations you need to make before your appointment.

What to expect at your examination

At the examination you will need to complete the medical certificate application form. This is a signed declaration containing the following:

  • Facts about your medical history, including family history

  • Whether you have had a medical examination before, by whom and the result

  • Whether you have ever been assessed as unfit or had a medical certificate suspended or revoked

The examination will include some or all of the following:

  • Medical history

  • Eyesight

  • Physical examination

  • Hearing

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)

  • Lung function test

  • Urine test

Certificate Issue

A medical certificate can be issued on the same day as the examination if all the requirements are met. If the requirements are not met or further investigations are necessary, then a decision on your fitness for a medical certificate will take longer.